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Flight Data Decoding

What is Flight Data Decoding?

“FDM data decoding” refers to the process of extracting meaningful information from the raw flight data obtained from the Flight Data Recorder (FDR) or Quick Access Recorder (QAR). The flight data recorded by these devices is typically in a binary format, which needs to be decoded to retrieve the actual values of different parameters recorded during the flight. Decoding involves interpreting the binary data and converting it into a human-readable format, such as numerical values, text, or graphical representations. Flight data is usually encoded in a continuous datastream organized in 12bits per word. Data capacity ranges from 64 up to 2048 words per second.

The decoding process typically includes the following steps:

Decoding involves interpreting the binary data and converting it into a human-readable format, such as numerical values, text, or graphical representations.

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