Providing the most comprehensive smartFDM service in the industry.

Flight Data Monitoring forFlight Safety

swiss49 gives you the tools to maintain a safe flight operation.

Flight data monitoring has been a key element in professional safety management systems for decades.

It answers safety related questions, has the potential to draw your attention to the important topics in your operation and giving you the keys to make it safer at the end!

What used to be complicated from a technical side has become intuitive and easy for the end-user. We provide a smart and straight forward online tool, which does not require more than just a computer to use. The swiss49 team cares about servers, databases, analysis tools, reporting and all the technical requirements – you as a customer focus on the safety of your operation!

Flight Data Monitoring Features

Obtaining Flight Data Monitoring services from swiss49 means more than only buying a Flight Safety tool for your company. We provide you with our flight operational know how and deliver you daily findings by analysing your raw computer statistics from your flight data processing. The swiss49 team builds a bridge between the pilots world and data analytics, because we know both worlds by experience!

You benefit from our flight operational know-how to make best use of equipment by using your flight data monitoring company-wide for Flight Ops Quality Assurance (FOQA), Maintenance Ops Quality Assurance (MOQA) and Flight Data research (e.g. Airport and ATC efficiency).

You choose the level of support swiss49 team can do for your company. We offer an A-Z setup, definition, integration, operation and support service selected by your needs.


Smart-FDM includes the automatic processing of flight data and decoding of raw binary data into values with engineering units.

Event Detection

Event detection through customized Flight-Safety analysis profiles.

Automated Reporting

Automated reporting in PDF, CSV or Excel format, which includes a Monthly Event Trend Report, plus Flight Event Reports.

3D Animations

3D Animation also included in basic fdm service!

3D flight animation included

swiss49 unlocks insight to your data to understand potential for improvement!

The animation tool gives you more insight about what really happened: analyzing data while in motion unlocks deeper understanding of a situation.
Pilots get deeper understanding of difficult situations while de-briefing on the 3D tool.

Visualize what happened with expert-validated 3D-Animations

Our detailed 3D-Animations allow you to gain better insight into what actually happened. All of the animations are validated by licensed airliner pilots before being sent out to you as our customer.

Pilot-ready Flight Event Reports

Save Time and Money with automatded Flight Event Reports ready to send to the pilot. In case you wnat to make any changes, the report is available in an easy to edit format.

Comprehensive SMS/SPI reports

Safety Performance Indicators are a crucial tool to measure and get insight into the safety performance of your operation.
A set of pre-defined SPI’s is available upon start of the fdm program – however, this may be enhanced by your needs!

Data Mining & Analytics add-on Tool (optional)

Understanding a pile of data is sometimes not easy. With the use of our enhanced data mining and analytics tool, it has become easy to “ask questions” dynamically inside your dataset.

Understand the big picture – dig in to special events! Because with the analytics package you have the tool to locate the valuable and interesting pieces in your data!

Added-value Services (optional)

You have the possibility to further customize our service for your needs with our added-value services. The options range from Enginge Trend Reports, to Pilot-specific SPI-Reports (Safety Performance Indicators) over Highlights Flight identification and much more.

Why swiss49?


We believe

FDM should be easy, intuitive and support your operation!


We are data specialists

We love to support, enable insights and answer data-questions!


We know

Flight data monitoring is a powerful tool to increase safety in your company!


We are into fdm

We are into flight data monitoring since more than 22 years…

Lets get started!

Just take our word for it.

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