Providing the most comprehensive smartFDM service in the industry.

Flight Ops Efficiency

facts and figures to steer and optimise

As a flight operations efficiency expert of an air carrier or Air Traffic Control entity you are interested in having facts and figures to steer and optimise your company’s operation. By processing and analysing your operational data (flight or radar data) swiss49 provides you with findings for your decision making process. You benefit from the combined IT and flight operational knowledge of the swiss49ers which synchronises and processes the available flight data parameters for your topics of interest.

Choose the project size, flights and fleet types to be watched to keep your operation efficient.

Flight Operations Efficiency information

Operations efficiency and Fuel price

As an Airline’s CEO, CFO, COO and VP Flight Ops your cost are predominantly driven by the price of jet fuel. Over the past ye3ars the cost for this vital resource ever increased and despite the short term drop will get even more expensive in the future.


In 2008 Fuel costs have risen to 32% of total operating costs.


Why focus on Fuel efficiency

IATA estimates a 5.9% of total Operations cost uncovered fuel savings. Flight operation is with 43% the single largest field to increase efficiency in fuel, followed by Dispatch and Maintenance & Engineering.

The swiss49 fuel conservation service

The swiss49ers flight ops experts and airliner pilots team processes all your daily in-flight data based on its partnership with the world’s leading Flight Data Monitoring Warehouse provider. You will get recurring customized reports on the airlines Fuel Saving Policy, recommendations and Fuel efficiency reports to optimize Flight Operations efficiency.

Customised facts and figures on your individual flight operations enable you as manager to have a sharp picture of the situation and can pin-point to more than just the low-hanging fruits.

What savings have been achieved?

A Fuel Conservation Project with more than 15 operational changes at an intercontinental-hub airline with 70 aircraft resulted in a saving of 1.5% of the total yearly fuel budget.

The service target is 1.5% – 4% savings dependant on airline characteristics.

Who is swiss49?

The swiss49ers team consists of young and highly qualified computer science people. The individuals are close to business by holding active Airline Transport Pilots Licenses ATPL or having long term experience in airline flight operations including long haul flight services. Being active and responsible in Flight Data Monitoring for more than a handful of Airlines over 12 years expertise is accumulated in the swiss49ers team and readey to work together with YOU!

siwss49 ag is an incorporated founded under Swiss law. Shares are 100% under ownership of iths employees.

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